Extraordinary edition of ALUMINIUM – World Trade Fair and Conference.
Extraordinary edition of ALUMINIUM – World Trade Fair and Conference. Foundry Ecocer Team Passion “Aluminium”.
Extraordinary edition of ALUMINIUM – World Trade Fair and Conference. Foundry Ecocer Team Passion “Aluminium”.
Stand E4 – 29 Nov. – 1 Dic. – The Nile Ritz-Carlton, Cairo, Egypt. The Arab International Aluminium Conference and Exhibition (ARABAL) is the premium platform for the aluminium industry in the Arab world
Come and visit us at stand 6D100-7, Italian pavilion AMAFOND Associazione Italiana Fornitori Fonderie and ITA - Italian Trade Agency.
Foundry Ecocer in Aluminium 2022: visit us at stand 6C49 - 27 – 29 September, Exhibition Centre Düsseldorf. For more information please contact us: sales@foundryecocer.it
Maurizio Sala, Foundry Ecocer President and Founder, in a short comment about the current situation of aluminum in general and what the Foundry Ecocer programs are.
Visit Us at PAD 31 - STAND B14. Metef will take place at the same time as Mecspe at the BolognaFiere exhibition centre to offer the manufacturing industry an increasingly rich offer of technological and eco-sustainable solutions. Aluminium – and innovative metals – find their right location at Metef to demonstrate that, with careful technical choices, it is possible to obtain advantages for the manufacturing industry, especially when it comes to making products lighter and protecting the environment, precisely because of their inherent reusability.
Inaugurated on Saturday 4 September, in Arluno, the most important site for the production of #fluxigranulates in Europe: industry becomes 4.0 and invests in environmental protection Arluno (Mi) - Foundry Ecocer inaugurated on Saturday 4th September, in Arluno, the most important site for the production of granulated flows in Europe. The company, already a world leader, among the producers of non-ferrous #metallurgy, looks to the future, on the strength of its tradition, focusing on technology and # ecosustainability.
for #metallurgical treatments of non-ferrous alloys. It always looks ahead, investing in human resources, acquiring state-of-theart equipment, developing new products tailored to users’ requirements, in all possible forms, such as #powderedfluxes, #granularfluxes, #tabletfluxes, #packagedfluxes supplied in sealed #aluminiumcapsules, and other forms, in line with a global demand increasingly oriented towards the high performance and guaranteed quality requirements which characterise the competitive context of the sector. #Quickflux, #Rockflux are patented by #foundryecocer.
Fulvio Sala CEO #foundryecocer and Maurizio Sala, President and Founder, presents one of our 2021 investment: a new innovative press for a production of #masteralloys with a much smaller weight, around 10 grams. All this productions it’s integrated in a industry 4.0 systems. Watch the video at the following link: https://youtu.be/3x1c4lLbHLU